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KROSS LAW Services

04. Civil Matters

If You Are Being Sued

If you have received a demand in the mail, let Kylene Ross analyze the issue and see if there is an out-of-court response that might resolve your matter.


If you have been served with a lawsuit, Kylene Ross can listen to your side, analyze the applicable laws, and see if there is an answer that might promote a resolution.


If the lawsuit against you cannot be resolved out of court, Kylene Ross is prepared to defend your position in court.

Demand Letters

Often, your dispute can be resolved with more communication about the issue in dispute with the opposing party. Writing a demand letter is a way to communicate to the other side your position, what the law states about the issue, and how the law applies in your case. The best resolution to a civil matter is one where you achieve your goal without the time and expense of going to court. 


Let Kylene Ross examine your matter in depth, analyze the law as it applies to the facts of your case, and write a letter to the opposing party making a demand for resolution. 


Not everything can be resolved without further action, but sending a demand letter when you are within your rights by law is a great first step that may dispose of the matter and get the result you want.

Civil Law Suits: Contracts or Torts

Some things cannot be resolved without getting the court involved. Filing a civil lawsuit involves a contract dispute or a tort. A tort is an act, or omission, that leads to an injury or harm, for which there is civil liability under the law. Torts include intentional acts such as assault, battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, trespass, or conversion (theft). Torts also include negligence and strict liability. A contract dispute means that the opposing party did not maintain an agreement you made with them.


Call Kylene Ross to determine if your civil case is a contract or a tort, and what action you may be able to take.

Request a Price Quote

Civil matters can be tough to resolve without help. Contact Kylene Ross to determine what action might be taken on your case.

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